Pennsylvania Trail Design & Development Principles
A compilation of best practices and guidelines for the planning, design, construction, and management of your trail employing sustainable design.
Understand and apply principles of trail sustainability to all components of project planning and design
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A compilation of best practices and guidelines for the planning, design, construction, and management of your trail employing sustainable design.
An updated edition of the industry standard, "Trail Construction and Maintenance Notebook," first released in 1996.
A Trail from Start to Finish is an introductory, short "micro-learning" targeted to developing trail workers. Anticipated to take about 15 minutes to complete, this microlearning discusses what it means for a trail to be sustainable and describes…
A Synthesis of Research Findings, Management Practices, and Research Needs
Learn the basics of developing and managing natural surface, share-used trail systems.The webinar is geared primarily towards beginning and intermediate level trailbuilders: including volunteers, agency staff, and professional trail crews.
Missoula Technology Development Center. Learn the basics of trail maintenance and how to select the right tool for each task.
Trail Skills Training Library
This webinar will describe the three most common forms of trail impact, identify the most influential factors to develop and maintain sustainable trail networks, and discuss methods for rating trail sustainability.
Sponsored by Tennessee Valley Authority. This equestrian forum offers an excellent format and opportunity to interact with panel experts and learn more about trending equestrian trails topics today and looking forward to the future.
This webinar will discuss new, innovative approaches for a more sustainable future on trails.
This presentation discusses the seven biggest considerations for planners and designers when designing near wetlands, streams, forests, and other environmental resources.
The goal of a trail sustainability ethic is the protection of natural and cultural resources, inspired by federal land management agency trail management traditions, and implemented with consideration to a wilderness ethic of minimum alteration of…
This webinar explores the critical components and processes necessary for truly sustainable trail design and construction.
Further Education
The Trail Sustainability Institute (TSI) is NWTA’s internal training classes for everything related to trail building. We want to make sure our trail builders are knowledgeable in not only how to build/maintain fun trails, but ensure those trails…
Gain insight into best practices related to the design, construction and maintenance of trails. Learn about and apply techniques that can enhance, rehabilitate and protect trails and greenways. Participants will also learn about trail…
The Sustainable Trails curriculum welcomes students from various fields who are interested in trails development, programming and management, as well as design.
Because wildfires, wind storms, floods, gravity, and vegetation growth are constant threats to the PCT, the annual maintenance and reconstruction of the trail is a never-ending and monumental undertaking. Such work, historically carried out by…
American Trails brings agencies, trail builders, planners, architects, advocates, and volunteers the latest in state-of-the-art information on all aspects of trails and greenways. Our webinars focus on a variety of trail topics, usually applicable…
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