Introduction to Foundations of Sustainable Trails: A Trail from Start to Finish
Trail Competencies
Trail Construction
- • Trail Sustainability Principles
- • Hand-Built Trail Construction
- • Trail Finishwork
- • Tread Hardening and Surfacing
Trail Maintenance
- • Trail Sustainability Principles
- • Maintenance Specifications
- • Tread Maintenance - Hand tools
- • Tread Maintenance - Mechanized Equipment
Project Planning and Design
- • Trail Sustainability Principles
- • Corridor Planning
- • Trail Specifications
- • Field Design: Trail Alignment Identification and Marking
A Trail from Start to Finish is an introductory, short "micro-learning" targeted to developing trail workers. Anticipated to take about 15 minutes to complete, this microlearning discusses what it means for a trail to be sustainable and describes the lifecycle of sustainable trails and each of the stages of that cycle.
Course objectives:
After completing this course, learners should be able to:
- Define "sustainable trails."
- Describe the iterative phases of a trail project.
- Identify key resources to support the planning and implementation of a sustainable trails project.
Course topics include:
- Sustainable Trails
- Trails Step-By-Step
Elements of the course:
- Interactive practice activities
- Supplemental reference materials
This course is self-paced, allowing learners the flexibility to complete the course as quickly or slowly as they need.
Recommended background
There are no prerequisites for this microlearning. This microlearning is a recommended starting point for anyone interested in one of the Foundations of Sustainable Trails courses on Tread & Alignment, Structures, and Tools.
Trail Types Covered
General. All trail types are relevant.
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