Introduction to Trail Management (Part 3 of 3)

American Trails

Introduction to Trail Management (Part 3 of 3)

Recorded Training

Webinar Trail Maintenance Project Planning and Design Crew Management Program Administration

One part of a three-part series on the Introduction to Trail Planning, Design and Development, and Management. PART THREE: In the Introduction to Trail Management we will discuss visitor and maintenance management.

In the Introduction to Trail Management we will discuss visitor and maintenance management. The visitor management discussion will include spatial and temporal management approaches for different types of trail use. Different methods of communicating behavioral expectations will be discussed. Methods for developing maintenance management programs will be highlighted. Establishing and implementing annual work plans will be discussed.
Following the presentations, the panelists will respond to questions from webinar participants.

Learning Objectives:
A review of different types of visitor management strategies will occur
Components of maintenance management planning will be identified
Considerations for developing a workforce to implement annual work plans will occur

Trail Competencies

  • • Crew Recruitment
  • • Crew Management
  • • Jobsite Safety
  • • Performance Management
  • • Communications
  • • Education and Public Outreach
  • • Inspections/Monitoring
  • • Visitor Use Management
  • • Policy/Directives/Law
  • • Partnership and Collaboration

Learning Credits and CEUs

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Learning credits will be available to attendees and are included in the registration fee. The length of the session will determine the number of hours/credits given. In order to obtain credits, attendees must fill out an evaluation survey for each session they attend, as well as complete a learning credit tracking form noting each session they are requesting credits for (or a quiz if virtual). This form (and complete instructions) will be available online as well at registration. Email the conference host or [email protected] with any questions.

American Trails is a certified provider and can offer the following learning credits and continuing education opportunities: AICP CM, LA CES (most HSW approved), NRPA CEU Equivalency Petition, and CEU/PDH Equivalency Petition for other accepting organizations.

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