Trail Education, Expertise, Jobs

Trail Skills Project

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About the Trail Skills Project

The Trail Skills Project serves as the workforce hub for the trails community providing connections to trails education, trail expertise, professional development, and job opportunities. The project goals are:

  • Promote workforce development of current and future trail professionals
  • Advance trails training opportunities and development
  • Provide increased opportunities to connect trail volunteers, stewards, agency staff, and professionals
  • Define a pathway to a career in trails and inspire the next generation of trail professionals
  • Bolster the capacity of volunteers to meet stewardship needs

Learn more

Join the Trail Skills Project and launch your profile

  • Highlight your trail expertise
  • Identify trail professional development goals
  • Find training opportunities to meet your goals
  • Find job opportunities
  • Connect to trail-related organizations, companies, and agencies

Create Your Account

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Increase your skills

Upcoming Trainings

Job Board

Organizations and agencies can post jobs on the job board, and individuals can find jobs that match their location, category and time commitment.

Trail Competency Framework

The Trail Competency Framework defines specific trail-related competencies broken into five major categories:

Additionally, there are two special use categories:

What is the Trail Competency Framework?

This Trail Competency Framework is the result of years of parallel and collaborative efforts seeking to identify shared language around trail skills that culminated in a comprehensive survey research project published in 2022. Learn more >>

Skill Library

The Trail Competency Framework provides a shared language around trail skills and expertise. Explore the skills >>

Improve your skills

Browse our list of upcoming skill-based trainings. Connect with trainers in your area.

Trail Skills Collaborators
Federal Highway Administration USDA Forest Service National Park Service Bureau of Land Management
American Trails Professional TrailBuilders Association Partnership for the National Trails System Northern Vermont University Northwest Arkansas Community College Eppley Institute Corps Network