National Recreation Trails: Designating Your Trail for NRT Status

American Trails

National Recreation Trails: Designating Your Trail for NRT Status

Recorded Training

Webinar Specialty Skills

Discover the benefits to designating your trail(s) as an NRT, the history of the National Recreation Trails (NRT) program, the process for trails to become NRTs, and more.

This webinar is an introduction to the National Recreation Trails* (NRT) Program, including the National Water Trails (a subset of the NRT program). You will learn the benefits to designating your trail(s) as an NRT, the history of the NRT program, the process for trails to become NRTs, and more.

Attendees will also hear from a current designated NRT manager who has five NRTs including a recent designation managed by Moab BLM:

  • Slickrock Trail-originally designed and marked by motorcyclists, it became adopted by mountain bikers and helped fuel the mountain bike boom that hit Moab in the mid-1990's (approximately 100K users per year)
  • Fisher Towers Trail-a 2.5-mile hiking only trail accessing the base of its namesake, one of the most photographed venues in North America; also utilized by climbers (approximately 25K users per year)
  • Corona Arch Trail-2-mile hike only trail accessing one of the largest arches in North America (approximately 80K users per year)
  • Grandstaff Canyon Trail-2.25-mile hike only trail along a perennial stream and terminating at Morning Glory Natural Bridge, one of the longest spans in North American (approximately 60K visitors per year)
  • Bar M Trail System-a 32-mile stacked loop system primarily for mountain biking, but open to and used by hikers as well; Moab's first (of many) large scale mountain bike trail systems resulting from decisions in Moab BLM's 2008 management plan revision (approximately 40K visitors per year)

The NRT manager will provide a brief overview of their office's recreation program, the five trails outlined above, and a more detailed discussion of their newest NRT, Bar M.

The deadline for applications each year is November 1.

*The National Trails System Act of 1968 authorized creation of a national system of trails comprised of National Recreation Trails, National Scenic Trails, and National Historic Trails.

Learning Objectives:

  • Learn how to navigate the NRT application process
  • Understand the benefits to being a designated NRT
  • Understand the roles of the partners involved

Trail Competencies

Relevant Trail Types

    General. All trail types are relevant.

Learning Credits and CEUs

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Learning credits will be available to attendees and are included in the registration fee. The length of the session will determine the number of hours/credits given. In order to obtain credits, attendees must fill out an evaluation survey for each session they attend, as well as complete a learning credit tracking form noting each session they are requesting credits for (or a quiz if virtual). This form (and complete instructions) will be available online as well at registration. Email the conference host or [email protected] with any questions.

American Trails is a certified provider and can offer the following learning credits and continuing education opportunities: AICP CM, LA CES (most HSW approved), NRPA CEU Equivalency Petition, and CEU/PDH Equivalency Petition for other accepting organizations.

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