Pacific Crest Trail Association

Tread and Drainage

Trail Core Competencies
  • • Maintenance Specifications
  • • Drainage Features/Water Management

Water and gravity constantly threaten our trails and thus we must learn how best to deflect them. This course begins with basics of hillside hydrology and how trails work when they shed water properly. Includes introduction of “trail eyes” and basic trail design concepts, as well as how to recognize tread erosion patterns. Hands-on practice removing slough and berm, and effective cleaning and maintenance of existing water bars and grade dips. Tread and drainage work doesn’t require big muscles, though it is fairly strenuous.



  • A basic understanding of hillside hydrology and how trails should work.
  • How to identify cupped tread and restore it to appropriate outslope by removing slough and berm.
  • Ability to identify and clean drain dips and water bars effectively and how to upgrade old school water bars.
  • Developing “trail eyes” and an eagerness to hike on a rainy day to learn to “think like water”.


Tread, drain dip, grade reversal, water bar, slough & berm, outslope, cupped tread

Trail Types Covered

    General. All trail types are relevant.

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