Volunteers for Outdoor Colorado (VOC)

Policies and Procedures

Risk & Safety Management Module

Trail Competencies

Risk and safety management helps avoid and mitigate liability threats your group or organization may face in the event of an accident during a volunteer project. This guide will help assess key risk management factors in volunteer programs. It is a tool for program management staff, as well as those who oversee the organization’s risk and safety procedures and insurance policies.


Key Takeaways:

  • Identify the level of physical difficulty of each project, such as easy, moderate or
    difficult. Determine whether you have the necessary leadership and technical skills available for a project, and whether crew leaders will need any special training. Identify the nearest city or town with hospital or clinic facilities.
  • Regardless of whether your organization employs staff and/or uses volunteer
    leaders to manage a volunteer stewardship project, it is essential they all possess
    the skills, experience and temperament needed to manage risk while overseeing
    volunteers and projects.
  • Ensure that Crew Leaders go through a safety talk with their crew of volunteers at thebeginning of each project. Have them inform volunteers about proper tool use and safety precautions, go over project risks and how to manage/avoid them, share an emergency response plan, and identify other emergency response individuals available on site.
  • Completing legal waivers is an additional necessary step for volunteers. Help ensure a positive experience for volunteers by making this step as efficient and streamlined as possible including using electronic waivers.

Trail Types Covered

    General. All trail types are relevant.

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