Pacific Crest Trail Association

Crew Leadership: Project Management

Trail Competencies

Learn the steps for estimating time and materials, and setting up a work project. Learn about trail triage: how to prioritize and what techniques to use when total trail reconstruction to ideal specs is not an option. Understand environmental concerns and policies that may impact projects. Learn what to look for when scouting a trail and how/when to schedule work. Develop advanced knowledge of project layout and trail (re)construction.



  • A basic understanding of trail eyes and trail triage.
  • How to identify trail work tasks that need to be done.
  • Ability to identify which tools are needed to do a trail job, about how many people, and how long they will take to complete a job.
  • The confidence to undertake the projects described during the course

Trail Types Covered

    General. All trail types are relevant.

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