From SOQ to IDIQ: Trail Contracting Models

American Trails

From SOQ to IDIQ: Trail Contracting Models

Recorded Training

James McCain, Arboretum Director, Fort Wiliams Park Foundation

Webinar Project Planning and Design

In this webinar, PTBA will explore different trail contracting models.

This webinar will explore different trail contracting models. Speakers will discuss the contractual elements of trail design and trail construction, bidding models, and hybrid opportunities with volunteers and/or youth corps. Speakers will address typical confusions and pros/cons of a range of models for trail contracting. The session will include a 15 minute facilitated Q+A session.

This webinar is part of a three-part webinar series hosted by the Professional TrailBuilders Association. Join us for all three webinars (or view the recordings):

Learning Objectives

  • Understand trail design contractual elements including: Trail Master Plan, Conceptual design, Corridor design, Field Design, Field Flagging, and Permitting/compliance
  • Understand construction contract models, specifically design/build vs. construction only
  • Understand multiple bidding models including RFP/RFB, RFQ, IDIQ
  • Understand hybrid contracts that integrate professional trail contractors with volunteers and youth corps

Trail Competencies

  • • Corridor Planning
  • • Field Design: Trail Alignment Identification and Marking
  • • Trail Plan Development
  • • Compliance and Permitting
  • • Implementation Plan

Relevant Trail Types

    General. All trail types are relevant.

Learning Credits and CEUs

CEUs logo

Learning credits will be available to attendees and are included in the registration fee. The length of the session will determine the number of hours/credits given. In order to obtain credits, attendees must fill out an evaluation survey for each session they attend, as well as complete a learning credit tracking form noting each session they are requesting credits for (or a quiz if virtual). This form (and complete instructions) will be available online as well at registration. Email the conference host or [email protected] with any questions.

American Trails is a certified provider and can offer the following learning credits and continuing education opportunities: AICP CM, LA CES (most HSW approved), NRPA CEU Equivalency Petition, and CEU/PDH Equivalency Petition for other accepting organizations.

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