Pacific Crest Trail Association

Drainage Crossings

Trail Core Competencies

The PCT and its feeder trails cross water courses of every conceivable size and type. Because bridges are time consuming and expensive, whenever possible it is better to build simpler structures that are more durable. Learn to build and maintain two to three of the following: fords, stepping stones, culverts, French drains, armored swales, and step down drains. If you enjoy working in water, this is the course for you!



  • Ability to evaluate watersheds for likely water flows
  • Ability to choose the right structure for each drainage crossing.
  • Practice quarrying, transporting, and installing rock safely.
  • Construction experience with at least two of the following: ford, stepping stones, culvert, stepdown drain, French drain, or armored swale.


ford, stepping stones, culvert, step-down drain, armored swale, Wilderness, watershed, mineral soil, inside ditch, pressure-treated wood

Trail Types Covered

    General. All trail types are relevant.

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