Jay Hoots


Hoots, Inc.


(604) 808-6075
[email protected]

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Trail Contractor

Skill Snapshot

Trail Construction
Trail Maintenance
Project Planning & Design
Crew Management
Program Administration

JAY HOOTS – Hoots Ltd. Owner (2005 - Current) Qualifications:
• Professional Bike Park / Trail Designer & Builder
• Project Manager of over 65 projects in past 15+ years
• Capilano University Instructor – Basic & Advanced Trail / Bike Park Building (2005 - 2015)
• Professional mountain biker – Norco Bicycles (1999 - current)

Profile – Capacity, Expertise & Experience: Jay Hoots, founder of Hoots Ltd., is making his mark in his 22nd year as a professional mountain bike rider with the Norco Bicycles having experience in several demands including downhill, freeride and dirt jumping, alongside various recreational pursuits. Jay is an active cycling and trail advocate and presents regularly at conferences, including TEDx in Sechelt, BC. and has contributed to two IMBA book publications: Managing Mountain biking and ‘Bike Parks’. Throughout traveling, riding, designing and building, Jay held a faculty position at Capilano University as lead instructor for beginner and advanced trail building courses, and bike park facilities for the Mountain Bike Operations Certificate Program for 10 years.
Extensive travel on bike filming for ‘Ride Guide’, racing BC / Canada Cups and competing in events from Sweden to Whistler combined with coaching certificates and contest background gives Jay the ability to recognize what riders want, current industry trends and best practices. Hoots Ltd. has built bike parks and trails in several countries and all over Canada and can provide sustainable design and build solutions for all levels and types of users, facilitating positive recreational opportunities and community development.
Experience in Design & Construction of Pump Tracks: Jay and the Hoots field crew have completed over 30 pump track projects across Canada accommodating all rider levels and abilities from beginner to advanced, employing innovative and integrated design using natural riding surfaces and asphalt paving. Some of the pump tracks are stand-alone facilities or incorporated within a greater bike skills park of which Jay and the crew have completed upwards of 65.

During the course of the projects, responsibilities undertaken by Jay have included:
• site reconnaissance and review with inventory and analysis, evaluation and design / development recommendations
• preparation of concept design and layout with cost estimate and on-ground alignment / flagging in coordination with client, stakeholders and local authorities
• preparation of presentation materials and facilitation of community consultation / public engagement
and input to inform relevant, meaningful design
• detailed design development and document package including budget, specifications and construction drawings
• tender preparation and support services as needed
• site preparation and mobilization of equipment, and sourcing of local materials
• labour / construction activities including grading, shaping and compacting of features / installation of components, as well as implementation of drainage plan and tying into existing infrastructure
• test riding and evaluation
• organizing and coordinating training / hands-on building activity with client, volunteers and the community
• construction administration and post-construction services with as-built drawings / maintenance Services Trail and Bike Park

Skill Profile

Member since Apr 2023 • 556 profile views