Michelle “Chelle” Grald

Director of Communications

[email protected]

Trail Contractor

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Chelle is currently the Director of Communications with Horse Farms Forever and is the former Manager of Trails and Landowner Relations for Green Mountain Horse Association (GMHA) out of Woodstock, VT). She is a communications professional, equestrian trails expert and lifelong equestrian, is the Director of Communications for Horse Farms Forever (HFF) based in Ocala, Florida. HFF is a small nonprofit organization centered on preserving the equine culture and character that makes that region the Horse Capital of the World.

Chelle most recently spent six years working for the Green Mountain Horse Association (GMHA) managing their trails and landowner relations. GMHA, a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization in Vermont, is dedicated to holding equestrian events, educating equestrians of all ages, and preserving trails and open space. Founded in 1926, GMHA is the nation’s oldest continuously operating horse organization. In addition to offering competitive and recreational events which draw some of the best equestrians in the country, GMHA is also committed to education, offering a variety of clinics and camps for adults and young riders. With over 1500 members, GMHA is a vital community of equestrian enthusiasts and has also been instrumental over the years in developing and maintaining a network of miles of open trails, access to which is provided through the generosity of private owners. Chelle is an accomplished writer, author, and speaker on the topic of equestrian trails and open space.

Chelle also is the Trailmaster and Trails Advocate with the American Endurance Ride Conference

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Member since Aug 2022 • 373 profile views