Sawyer Certification
Resources for Sawyer Certification
Custom Trainings
There are 37 trainers on TrailSkills
with Sawyer Certification experience
Alex Bradley
Middlefield, CT
Trails Stewardship Coordinator
Connecticut Forest and Park Association (CFPA)
Hire Workers
There are 136 workers on TrailSkills
with Sawyer Certification experience
Alex Bradley
Middlefield, CT
Trails Stewardship Coordinator
Connecticut Forest and Park Association (CFPA)
Brad Colin
Butte, MT
Trails and Travel Management Program Lead for Montana/Dakotas
Bureau of Land Management
Wesley Paulos
Roanoke, VA
Public Access Coordinator
Virginia Department of Conservation and Recreation
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Know of a good resource for this skill? Let us know! From webinars, to workshops, to PDFs, we'd like to add them to our resource library.
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